
16 Sep.

Some artwork about little BaiYu and litte ZhuYiLong Ò v Ó)/

"白宇年轻。 朱一龙也是。


An excerpt from a short fanfic about little BaiYu and little ZhuYiLong, in my fanfic AU, when they were childhood friends (with the first meeting when they were 4 years old and 6 years old).

I recently was a bit busy Ụ v Ụ)

Partly because my main job is a freelance artist, and I have to handle some new commissions. 

Other part of the reason is that I'm drawing new artworks for the offline events for Vietnamese fans of Zhu YiLong and BaiYu, That is what I joined as a collab artist.

We will have two offline event for fans in November and December this year.

Hope that the events will work out well.



我只想说,我相信 朱一龙 和 白宇 的真正友谊。



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